Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday Again. (Sarah Jo)

I was so tired at work from staying up too late the night before, but we were really slow so I got to go home early. Also, the slowness allowed me to send text messages I would later regret. Stupid text messages. When I got home I went straight to my room for a nap and it was great. So very, very great. Of course, before the nap I texted Krystal and Jeremy and Billy and got replies from two of the three. Guess which two? Haha.

Eventually it was time for me to go to the comedy club with Katie, Rachel, and Ashley. I'm the only one that actually arrived on time, but that's not so unusual, I suppose. We went to the Funny Bone at the Greene. The place was nearly empty except a few tables and one baccalaureate party and one bachelor party. That made things interesting. My friends were all drinking and I was the driver. There were all kinds of interesting sounding drinks but I kept thinking about how I would rather try new drinks with Jeremy and Billy around. Sad, I know. After the show we walked around the Greene a bit and watched concert they had on the lawn while all kinds of children played in the fountain in the middle.

We headed back to Rachel's house where she pulled out at least a dozen bottles of different kinds of alcohol from behind the cereal and even from the freezer. I didn't drink any but I smelled each and every one of them. Only the Kahlua smelled like anything I would put near my mouth. I like sweet drinks and this was all just liquor. Eww.

I left there a little early so I could see Krystal, who I apparently woke up. Being the good friend that she is, she got out of bed for me. We had just decided to go to Steak and Shake when Jeremy called and invited us to Steak and Shake. I'm awfully glad he called first because that would have been one awkward situation if we ran into one another there. Crisis averted. Sort of.

I say "sort of" because Krystal and I each had our own worries develop during the steak and shake outing that had us feeling stressed at the end of the night. The boys probably didn't even notice. They were pretty far gone after the open bar at the wedding and well, they are still guys. So after we all left steak and shake and Jeremy finally left Krystal alone in the parking lot, Krystal and I decided we had to drive around and talk about what just happened. It didn't really help matters with us being girls that over analyze everything and end up more confused in the end anyway.

Why can't things be more simple? I need an off switch for my feelings because I don't know how much more of this I can handle. Sometimes its all kinds of fun. Sometimes its confusing. Sometimes it hurts. Most of the time I'm not sure what comes next.

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