Friday, July 3, 2009

What happened to sleeping? (Sarah Jo)

I thought about hiking after work all day long. But then it was all cloudy and then a little rainy so we decided to cancel the hike and skip right to the El Rancho Grande part. I picked Billy up a little after 6:30 and there were all kinds of people at his house. His brother Kennedy/Davey was there and invited us to Dave and Busters with him. Billy was acting all strange like embarrassed and mad at the same time and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I tried to ignore it and just looked to Billy for guidance. His face said "No" and so I did too.

On the drive to Krystal's he just kept saying he was going to hurt his brother. I just forgot about the subject and hilarity at El Rancho Grande followed. Billy just got a Twitter last night and he enjoyed "twatting" all night long.

Oh. At El Rancho, Kennedy called Billy and after what sounded like an unhappy phone call, he announced that we would go to Dave and Busters with Kennedy and Tama. Then they called back and said we wouldn't go. Billy informed me that I would go with him and Kennedy and Tama in the future sometime. I asked why. Finally he explained that Kennedy likes to make him go on double dates about once or twice a year and it would be better if I went instead of some strange girl Kennedy found. Now I'm nervous that Kennedy is going to ask me how I feel about Billy. Billy told me to be truthful with him and tell him all kinds of bad things. I don't think Billy understands what the truth of this situation is. And I don't think he wants to know. And even more, I don't think he wants Kennedy to know. And I'm not a good liar. So I'm nervous.

I don't even remember half the stuff we laughed about but it was indeed amusing. After El Rancho we went to Coldstone. I'm a terrible driver while being amused. We took pictures of Billy during the Coldstone portion of the evening like with the sign and with Krystals purse. I'll try to post the pictures next.

Eventually we decided to play pool at Dave and Busters. It was a dirty, dirty game of pool. On the car ride there we somehow established that Krystal would take off her bra for a shoe. Then everything afterward was sexual innuendo. And Krystal smacked Billy's butt. I was going in for a pinch later and Billy turned around and said, "Why are you hissing like a snake?!?!" I got embarrassed and couldn't carry through with the deed. However, after pool was over and after the restroom break I worked up the courage and pinched him. He has a firm butt!

Somehow Billy said Krystal and I should wrestle naked in a pool of orange watermelon jell-o in his backyard while he watched. Also naked. And maybe he would join in. Ha!

Now I'm sleepy. And my face hurts from laughing.

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